20 Gene icons from 2x01

Oct 24, 2010 18:47

Yesterday I wanted an excuse to stare at Philip Glenister dig out my LoM DVDs again, so I made these. Not very high-tech, since I've not done icons before and don't have any software, but lots of fun, nonetheless. :)

Under the cut... )

public, icons, life on mars, philip glenister

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Comments 7

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talkingtothesky October 24 2010, 18:43:33 UTC

#7 was supposed to be all 'aww, hurt/comfort'-y, but looking at it now it does seem like Sam's fed up of all this Gene, hehe!


basaltgrrl October 25 2010, 00:42:48 UTC
I take any opportunity to stare at Phil, too. How can one not??? I'm scared of trying to make icons! Good for you!


talkingtothesky October 25 2010, 07:50:04 UTC
There's no way I can put this without it sounding creepy, but...he deserves to be stared at. :P In a really good way!


thedrumsarereal October 25 2010, 09:24:23 UTC
These are wonderful. I've recently introduced a close friend of mine to the love that is Life on Mars. She's completely and totally in love with Philip Glenister now and I'm trying to help feed that but unfortunately, I'm rather rubbish at it.


talkingtothesky October 25 2010, 09:47:24 UTC
Has she seen the_daily_hunt? I find that comm keeps my Glenister!love topped up from day to day. :)

(It does have Ashes spoilers, though.)


thedrumsarereal October 25 2010, 10:19:58 UTC
We're going to hurry and finish LoM today and then she's going to start on A2A. She's very excited about it. She's also going to make the Camberwick Green puppets! She's really brilliant at making things and she's finishing up a "Cuddly Master" (complete with collar and leash ;)) as a gift for me. I still want to get a Camberwick!Gene for you though, so while it will likely take a while, don't be terribly surprised if I get you one.

Thank you for that link. If you have any other Glenister links or stuff to pass her way, we'd greatly appreciate it. You would love talking to her and squeeing with her, you really would.


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talkingtothesky October 30 2010, 07:43:52 UTC
Awww, thank you! :D

I am rather fond of the belt-holding pose. He does it frequently. I think it's very sexy. *g*


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