Oct 25, 2005 02:46
Well eh...I don't even know what the heck to write in this thing. It's hard to decide what to put in and what to leave out...It seems that I have some people I'm not too fond of reading this thing. One of which tried to pass herself off as some one she wasn't...real smart thing to do over the internet with me. Hehe. Life seems to be having the usual ups and downs. I have my Associates now. Working on my Bachelors, should have that within 7-8 months. Then I have to work on finding a job. Well actually I'm going to have to start on that a month or two before I graduate. No clue what I'm going to end up doing. Sort of gives a bit of excitement to life I suppose. Not sure I would like knowing everything that was going to happen in life. Would make it like watching a rap video. Maybe I should throw in a few giggles and talk about cute guys.
Or not. Beer, whiskey, rum, vodka...all of which POISONS MY MIND. I need to quit drinking so much. The only thing its affecting is erm...well really nothing actually. Doing great in my classes. Only thing its done is cause me to kick a girl out of my apartment and make phone calls at 3:30 in the morning to random people. WOO Full Sail rocks. Yep go ahead and call me an alcoholic or tell me a bad person for it. You know you want to ;). Mmmm start a Typography class at 5pm today. Its funny how when I'm riding in the car with my friend the same damn rap songs come on over and over. I've come to the conclusion that each radio station uses the same playlist of about 12-15 songs. Every now and then though they get daring and throw in an oddball song which more than likely pisses off the entire community. Ergh time for bed.