Sep 16, 2004 03:20
i feel so unfocused right now. so much going on in my head right now. Christina, new computer, friends having issues with their women, Christina, school, money, Christina, bills, lots of crap. i miss you Christina =( i wish i just fucking had you here. i think this may have something to do with me not sleeping right or eating right. i dont do much of eaither anymore. i'm just turning into a knowledge whore. learning everything i can. durng school i just sort of drift around...on breaks i mean. about midway through class we get a break that usually lasts about 30 minutes. i just sort of go stand off on my own now. i was hanging out with some people but the people that group around with them sort of bug me a little i guess...oh well. i'm fine just sitting around and thinking though. i usually think about my carnie and my life and where i'm going with it. just put my headphones on and think. its all good. i love you Christina, very much. i hope i'm not sounding too much like a loser or anything...i do have friends =P i just like bein alone some times. i think i'm going to go to bed now. call me if you can d00der...*hugs*