May 05, 2006 21:16
What makes us break down into a flurry of tears whenever someone asks us "Is everything okay? What's wrong?" Those two simple questions - I dont know why, they just make us burst out into tears. I know when Louis walked by me one day and didn't say hi to me, Cathy asked me, "Is everything okay between you and Louis?" I mean, everything was okay (well not the best, but it was okay) but I felt like breaking down and crying.
I guess it's the feeling that there's someone there who cares for us and will be there for us when we feel alone in this bleak world. I know we are always told that people will be there for us - but actually hearing that from someone when you're feeling absolutely shitty (or even partially shitty)... I guess the feeling of having a comfort zone lets you give up your defenses and collapse. Even if it isn't quite all that emotional, the power of having a security blanket is so emotional.
Also I think it's partially because you start to question yourself, "Is everything okay?" Then all of the lies you've been telling yourselves to soothe yourself, to tell yourself that everything is okay, and that everything will turn out exactly as planned becomes black and ugly. You realize, everything isn't okay and the world seems to be one horrendous test after another.
And right now, everything isn't okay. I've been pretending, keeping up a mask, because that's what you do.
It doesn't help that Louis is being emo with me. I just never thought it would end up like this....