May 11, 2006 11:06
i do very silly things when i drink if nobody has ever noticed that before
tuesday night i screamed at danny and threw johns keys on the pavement and broke his keyless entry, and they cost $150 dollars.
i am broke and i feel horrible for doing that.
but any whisper, inkling feeling or thought that anybody has thinking i have john kilian "whipped" should really leave the heads of anybody quickly.
im the one who is closer to being whipped lemme tell ya.
and last night
i locked myself out of my room completely freaking Naked. i know why i was naked but why i left my room, or how i closed the door i do not.
john would'nt wake up from me knocking on the door for a while, but my clustermates sure did. so i woke them all up and they came out in the hall. and i was there.
naked. drunk. crying. in the hallway.
im surprised it didnt happen any sooner.
but nope, in the last 2 weeks of school.
this is the home stretch. i will come back after this shit is done, when all the reasons i am stressed out will be gone. Ill be alive again, i won't feel so dead and inadequate.
next school year won't get like this, because i figured it out. how to do well in college, without being a bookworm. it's not hard, but it just takes a little bit of responsibility. my grades are awesome right now, that's partly responsible for my so to say dissapearance. rasing a 2.1 to a 3.5 is a very hard task in a semester. first semester made me feel so shitty after i got those back, and that was the same time other problems started to happen. a vivace decrescendo to the best time of my entire life.
and that's the end of the story. ( with a lot of missing details, and things might never be the same again)
there are so many good things to come though. i cant wait to live with andrea again, i really cant fucking wait.
i miss being around her all the time. it's like when your a little kid and you never want to go home from your best friends house because your having fun, except now there's no going home.