Your seat has been upgraded with more legroom!

Dec 13, 2005 09:50

And desk room, and cabinet room ... and not a box to live in whilst at work. My shoulders aren't so darned caved in at this new desk either. And there's room to work on paperwork without things falling off my desk. I just joked with my supervisor that it only took 10 years for me to get a decently sized cube/working area. No joke, though. And much quieter up here, which I, for one, actually like. The production folks were way too loudly unprofessional. I'll never look at bubble wrap quite the same since their supervisors had it laid down in the hallways on several days in the months after the movement of their positions was announced. For a while, having been laid off twice myself, I understood the bitterness. But considering the two supervisors in question were given about 10 months+ to find other positions, a little bit of professional demeneanor didn't seem to be too much to ask for. But that's me, and I learned a long time ago that the things I value are not the same as those valued by others.
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