(no subject)

Feb 10, 2007 08:09

The cool thing about working Friday night is that they bring in some awesome danishes and junk on Saturday mornings. Mmm, cheese danish. I don't know where they come from, but they're homemade...by whoever.

But now I'm all sugared up while I should be sleepinggggggg and I don't even have anything to say, it's just that no one's around and I am wired as shit.

Any "real" doctors that say chiropractors don't work are WRONG, friends. I feel like 90% better and I'm only out 80 bucks and my dignity. My boss seems to think it's real funny that I can't get the shit beat out of me without letting out weird moans, gasps, and grunts. She likens the experience to a "hooker having an orgasm." Everyone laughs but me. I cry because it hurts...but it's a good hurt...like putting things in your butt. Not that I do or anything. Right?

I think Adam's buying a new car tomorrow...that's a cool thing. He's hot, he needs a hotter car. He should give me the Escort though, because it would it would match my matronly looks. Vrooooooooooom.

Tell me about all the awesome things you have planned for this weekend.

Also, I like The Office too much and I can tell. I get super pissed when the characters in the show don't do what I want like have sex and then have babies. Just do it, you assholes. If I died today, I would be bitter well into eternity that that crappy episode was the last I ever got to see. And I would probably miss some of you. SOME.

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