Title: Cliché infirmary!sex fic
Rating: NC-17 (I mean that now!)
Pairing/Characters: Mal/Simon, Zoe
Summary: Mal gets wounded again, and Simon’s finally had enough.
Disclaimer: If they were mine, my life would be a hell of a lot more interesting.
Timeline: post-series and comic, but pre-BDM
Notes: I decided to write some pointless Mal/Simon smut today, because I was bored and I haven’t really done that yet. This was inspired by
valiant’s awesome S/J fic
On The Job, though this isn’t anything like that one, really, except for the position. Go read that one first so you know what I’m talking about. Unbeta’d as usual, because I’m an impatient feedback whore *g*.
On to the cliche smut...