Recommended Reading

May 02, 2011 19:31

This month's topic is actually quite perfect considering my recent Easter gift from my SO:

I just recently started reading, but it presents political doublespeak in a way that's amusing and entertaining, and includes some political cartoons and jokes.

Frank Luntz, a Republican consultant, has written an entire book about weaseling, called Words That Work. He counsels politicians to say:

electronic intercepts NOT wiretapping
exploring for energy NOT drilling for oil
tax simplification NOT tax reform
tax relief NOT tax cuts
opportunity scholarships NOT vouchers

The Democrats are not above the fray. Liberal linguist George Lakoff, tired of being outflanked by the clever conservatives who substitute death tax for estate tax, tries his hand at counterweaseling -- how about freedom judges instead of judicial activists? he asks. Nice try, George, but the conservatives are obviously better at this.

It's easy to see why politicians would pay big bucks for this kind of advice. Here's some for free:

"My mother was a cutlery specialist" NOT "My mother was an ax-murderer"
"I received my education in some of the most venerable institutions in our nation" NOT "I spent seven years in Leavenworth and three months at the Betty Ford Center"
"I have always striven to serve the public" NOT "I started out as a bartender in a gentleman's club"

The book was published in 2007 and deals with universal issues of political argument, satire, and doublespeak. Part VI of the book deals with The Star Trek Strategy: Misleading by Creating an Alternate Universe, which I think is a chapter Michele Bachmann could learn a thing or two from reading. Part II covers The "So's Your Mother" Strategy: Misleading by Getting Personal, something all of us in this comm have been guilty of from time to time. I really can't say enough good things about this book. It's enlightening and fun and I hope, if anyone hasn't read it already, they take a look.

humor, philosophy, books

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