Say good bye to the tea party candidates

May 02, 2011 15:03

As this article argues...

Osama Bin Laden's death pretty much ends any chance any of the Tea Party candidates have of beating Obama. Even though any serious analysis would conclude that Obama's death is better for image than substance in any war on terror one of the main thrusts all of the arch conservatives could have thrown at Obama and had it stick was his ineffectual prosecution of the war on terror.

In less than a week he's ended speculation on his place of birth (never should have been an issue but it was) and secured his place as the President who brought down Obama, and more than likely he'll be successful in portraying himself as the President who won in Iraq as well.

That just leaves one issue people can really attack him on, the economy. Here there is very good ground for attacking him the problem is the Bachman's, Gingrich's, and Palin's of the world have never been able to successfully make those attacks because it is clear that fiscal issues are not their prime concern.

I won't say that this guarantees a second Obama term, there is plenty of time left between now and the election for pretty much anything to happen, however this should be the final nail in the coffin of the arch conservative Republicrat Presidential Candidates.

Funny thing is this still leaves the Republicrat's with their best chances at beating Obama with the 3 declared candidates who have the least chance of winning the nomination (Paul, Johnson, or Cain)

In the long run though this may be the single best thing to come out of Osama's death, killing off the candidacy of the most conservative members of the Republicrat party and leaving some smidgen of a chance that a fiscally conservative and socially moderate to liberal candidate winning the nomination.

obama, elections, tea party

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