Oh - Please!

May 02, 2011 11:55

Once again, the wingeing, whining, Uber Left-wing Guardian goes on about how awful it is that some of Gaddaffi's family got killed and quotes the killer's regime verbatum and asks no questions.


They make me sick, to be honest. Look, you never heard me shouting 'hooray' when death rained from the skies on Gadaffi's trained killers who were closing in on the rebel towns, and I certainly do not delight in the deaths of his innocent grandchildren. But Gaddaffi's son happens to be 29, and has a cushy job in his dad's murderous regime.

If Gaddaffi is going to set up a command centre, then leave his son in charge and let his family be around when the jets come screaming in to flatten the place, then he must bear final responsibility for what happens.

To hear the Guardian and the Mirror talk sometimes, you get the impression that all would be sweet and wonderful if the Bin Ladens and Gaddaffis of this world were allowed to operate unhindered.

This statement has been made before and needs making again -
When the USA, or it's allies, launch an attack that causes innocent civilian casualties, this is because those deaths were a mistake, and they happened in spite of precautions taken to prevent them.

When Gaddaffi or bin Laden, or any other enemy of the Western democracies, kills an innocent civilian, this is a direct result of an operation to just that.

Killing civilians is what we do by mistake, but it's what they do on purpose.

So, let's not have the left wing British Press banging on about this, please.
Gaddaffi was willing to murder Libyans in a deliberate attempt to hold onto power and oppress his own people. If his son wants to put on a uniform and run a command centre for his murdering father, be it upon his own head. If he wants to take his family and put them in the line of fire, then understand that we are after a control centre, not the human shields he cynically uses in an attempt to save them from destruction.

The British left is right to condemn US foriegn policy on many occassions, but to take sides with the liikes of Saddam Hussain, or Gaddaffi,or anyone else just because they happen to be 'Anti American' too is simply self defeating and utterly hypocritical.

The Left needs to speak out against injustice whereever it happens - not just when Britain or America are at fault. In this undeclared war against the Libyan people, Gaddaffi is up against his own , as well as a UN Resolution. The UK and US governments are doing the right thing for once ,and ought to be supported. instead, many in the left wing press are speaking out for the killer Gaddaffi and trying to pin any blame on the West. it's time we called them on their hypocrisy.

media, libya

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