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dv8nation November 30 2010, 15:28:56 UTC
I don't care for Scarborough but he's 100% right on this. Palin makes Hubert Humphery look like Lincoln. Her only really skill is an uncanny ability to remain the spotlight despite a ton of evidence that she's really not a good politician and kinda clueless in general.

Too many people in the GOP seem to think that their bases hates the Dems enough that they'll vote for any jackass with an elephant button on their shirt. That might have been true at one point but not anymore.


a_new_machine November 30 2010, 15:59:56 UTC
Her only really skill is an uncanny ability to remain the spotlight despite a ton of evidence that she's really not a good politician and kinda clueless in general.

Hey, it worked for Bush for 2 terms.


underlankers November 30 2010, 16:37:16 UTC
No, what worked with Bush was that his opponents were feckless idiots. Gore wanted a recount in 2000 of a specific limited number of counties that were pro-Bush, where if he'd asked for the entire state he would have won. Kerry was so pathetic that he, despite being a *real* war hero was outplayed on Vietnam by a good ol' boy draft dodger.


rasilio November 30 2010, 18:09:55 UTC
Lol Kerry a War Hero.


underlankers November 30 2010, 18:25:02 UTC
He wasn't sitting on the sidelines cheering on the people actually bleeding and dying the way GWB did.


verytwistedmind November 30 2010, 18:55:56 UTC
They told the stories at times they had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam
- John Kerry APRIL 22, 1971

If only he had sat on the sidelines.... What he did was far far worse.


telemann November 30 2010, 19:02:33 UTC
Telling the truth? Oh right.


underlankers November 30 2010, 19:08:01 UTC
Telling the truth about dark deeds in a war theoretically fought for freedom by the truth, sweetness, and light side against the hordes of Mordor? Oh horror of horrors, how terribly dreadful.


rasilio November 30 2010, 22:55:31 UTC
Except his statements before congress have been pretty conclusively proven to be fabrications.

That they may have actually been happening somewhere in Vietnam is irrelevant he had no personal knowledge of them.


telemann November 30 2010, 23:02:56 UTC
He was giving testimony from the Winter Soldier Investigation, if I recall correctly. Richard Nixon's dirty tricks dept did everything they could to discredit that testimony.


devil_ad_vocate December 1 2010, 01:07:21 UTC
I have knowledge of soldiers shooting elephants from choppers, and prisoners being thrown out of them.


_wanderer_ November 30 2010, 20:26:01 UTC
Wait, Kerry is talking about things that other people did.


usekh November 30 2010, 22:06:34 UTC
Told the truth about what happened?


kinvore November 30 2010, 20:14:12 UTC
If risking your life to save fellow soldiers doesn't make you a war hero then what does?


rasilio November 30 2010, 22:57:02 UTC
Lets just say that I found the Swift Boat Veterans versions of the events that got him his silver star far more credible than Kerry's.


telemann November 30 2010, 23:04:44 UTC
Fact Check org would disagree with that sentiment. But I'm not shocked really :-)


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