Democracy: It doesn't work.

Nov 16, 2010 02:01

I'm done with democracy. It turns into people wanting the authorities to confirm their wishful thinking & their biases. In a country where people think Hauser's Law is for real, or that the Laffer Curve has a steep slope with a peak below 20% of GDP, or that cutting federal employee salaries by 10% will make a meaningful difference to the federal debt, clearly the populace are too stupid to have the franchise.

These are things people want to believe, & it's as true of the rich as of the poor. Everybody's trying to get more out of the state than they put in, & that's impossible. No machine is perfectly energy-efficient, no institution, public or private, gives you back more money than it costs to run.

And that's just my country. Democracy is the protector of superstition around the world--so long as it's the dominant superstition.

Democracy is too stupid to work. And I could say that I'm stuck with it. But that's not really good enough.

In Britain the royal family are national symbols & adored by the people's silly side, while the elected governments have to do the hard job of governing. Maybe in this country it can work the other way around. Let electoral politics become a shallow game, put celebrities in charge, then hire professionals to do the real work. It's called bureaucracy, & the more ridiculous we make the elected pols, the better the bureaucrats look.

Maybe the way to save, nay, reestablish good government is to stop trying to elect competent Congressmen.

Alternatively, I could back a good old absolute monarch right now; just crush any idea that you're allowed to govern yourselves, you cretinous mob.

Down with Jefferson, up with Ivan the Terrible.


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