Something that puzzles me about the Creationists:

Oct 24, 2010 16:56

I've never understood the sense in how it is politically or socially viable to entertain the delusions of a group of people who really *are* stuck in a time-warp. The Creationist viewpoint is full of hoary old nostrums that Thomas Lyell and Charles Darwin debunked 150 years ago. The Creationist worldview is as follows: 6,000 years ago God created Heaven and Earth. Starlight beyond 6,000 light years is a great big lie, as God created it in situ, meaning what it records does not exist. Earth was formed from clay, and there was a literal firmament in the heavens. God also formed multiple "Kinds" (good luck ever getting a clear definition of THAT) in six days, culminating in two supermen, Adam and Eve. Then a talking snake convinces Eve to bite of the fruit, but 1,000-year old supermen build a technological civilization on par with modern society.

They of course evidently follow modern vices and so God decides it's time to wash it all away, except Noah's families. BTW, Creationism accepts as an article of Faith that Man is a hideously inbred type of animal. Eve is a kind of clone of Adam, taken from his penis bone uh, rib, yes, I meant rib. Thus all of these billions of long-lived supermen just so happen to be ridiculously inbred, helped by an understanding of genetics on par with Trofim Lysenko's understanding of biology. Thus God obliterates the world in a global flood. Ignore that Chinese and Egyptian sources march right on through the year 2438 BC like nothing happened.

Now *EVERYTHING* is ridiculously inbred and humans are perpetually declining in anything notable. God drew the continents on Earth, put all the animals there where they are. Wallace's Line is just because God's fickle like that. All cultures date to 6,000 years ago (while true in the sense that written history is only 6,000 years, there's 144,000 years that preceded that that are completely ignored by these people). There was absolutely no stone age, and Neanderthals were degenerated Nephilim, where Iapetos the Titan is a mythologized Japheth and Pan Gu is a mythologized Ham. All non-European/SW Asian peoples are Hamites, meant to labor for the benefit of the Japhethic Master Race.

Now, this on its surface is completely preposterous and absurd. There is not a scrap of evidence to support any of this. The real problem? These people also happen to be an overwhelming majority of Tea Party members. The Tea Party is overwhelmingly connected with Creationism: It is also connected to the people (mainly with investments in petroleum energy) who deny that climate change exists, full-stop. In fact belief in the Creationist view of climate (namely that it doesn't exist) is also correlated with the belief climate change does not also:

Hence why it's important if we evolved along with the chimpanzee from a common ancestor and both of us descended from a primordial primate prior to the K-P boundary. The same people are the ones obstructing vitally needed things for our future.

religion, creationism, tea party

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