Punk is Right Wing....

Oct 05, 2010 19:04

"......the Ramones were being inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2002, Johnny took his opportunity at the microphone to make his allegiances known. "God bless President Bush," he said, "and God bless America." Bedecked in his trademark torn jeans and black leather motorcycle jacket, he understatedly thumbed his nose at he lockstep orthodoxy of the rock establishment. Now, that is punk rock......"

Lately....Leftists who follow rock n roll have been freaking out because the great MOE TUCKER, drummer for seminal protopunk band The Velvet Underground (also one of the inspirations for the Czech resistance against the Evil Marxist regime./)...was spotted at a Tea Party rally....where she stated:

"I'm furious about the way we're being led towards socialism. I'm furious about the incredible waste of money when things that we really need and are important get dropped because there's no money left."

WAY TO GO, MOE!!! Wise words....now Moe can join other Free Thinking Rock Stars like Johnny Ramone, Alice Cooper,Eric Clapton, David Bowie, Ian Curtis,Bryan Ferry, Iggy Pop, Michale Graves,Lee Ving, Joe Escalante, Bobby Steele and Dave Smalley who REJECT the LEFT-WING ORTHODOXY in true punk rock fashion.....

Nothing is less punk rock than a Big Government Nanny State.....as Johnny Ramone said...PUNK IS RIGHT WING....


As the Reason blog and the comments on the Prefix post point out,.,..its funny how so many so-called Punk Rockers are Anti-Establishment only when there is a Conservative in power....other than that,most of them are expected to sheepishly repeat the left-wing dogma....funnny how Loving the Government is OK when a a Left-Winger is in office implementing Socialist policies that infringe on REAL FREEDOM....HA! so much for "Non Conformity"!!!

As William Buckley once observed..."Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views"....hopefully the examples of Johnny and Moe will inspire other Free Thinkers to be honest in their convictions and reject the orthodoxy.....

leftism, entertainment

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