The Right Brothers

Aug 24, 2010 09:25

The New Yorker just published an article on the Koch brothers two billionares who have given over a hundred million in funds to various right-wing causes. Oil Refinery operators, they're one of the top-ten polluters in the nation, and, as you might expect, they're global climate change deniers.

Think Progress has done some reporting on this as well, both here and (inclusively) here.

These are the guys who pay for the ongoing Tea Party astroturf movement. These are the guys who bussed anti-health reform activists to DC, who then compared Health reform to the Holocaust. These are the guys who created the Climate-gate scandal by deliberately spreading the myth that the emails concealed data.

And these are the guys who are sons of Fred Koch, who started... wait for it... the John Birch Society.

Now, this isn't a post about denying the Koch brothers the right to donate money to the causes they want to. That's their right, even if I think it's terrible for them to do so.

But estimates of George Soros' funding of democratic and progressive causes & politicians hover around $25-35 million. These guys have donated FAR more, to what appears to be far greater effect, especially when you include their father's efforts. Why is it, then that Soros is allegedly a millstone hung around the Democrats' neck, but these guys continue to swim under the radar? Liberal media indeed.

(lightly crossposted)

EDITGeorge Soros has donated much more than $25-35 million. I misread one of my searches.

astroturfing, freedom of speech, activism

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