An idle thought(crime?)

Aug 19, 2010 19:50

Yes, I know that the whole "A Mosque kinda near Ground Zero!!!" controversy has been done to death but it has been a while since I harped on about Individual Rights and Civil Liberties so I thought I'd call attention to this...

There is no question there is a concerted effort to make this a political issue by some. And I join those who have called for looking into how this opposition to the mosque is being funded,

Rep. Pelosi calls for investigation of mosque's opposition

Now I agree whole-heartedly with Congresswoman Pelosi that "how go forward in New York is up to New Yorkers". I can even respect(as a purely civil matter) the ADL's desire investigate thier oposition, but the government and it's representatives need to stay the hell away.

On what grounds can she(or anyone else in Congress) call for an investigation? and if a perpetrator is found what will they be charged with?

Last I checked "being an jerk" or "Disagreeing with Congresswoman Pelosi" was not a crime. If it is, we've strayed into Orwellian terretory.

freedom of speech, nancy pelosi

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