I'm Lovin it...

Jun 29, 2010 13:14

So I was going to do a gun control post in honor of the SCOTUS' Ruling on McDonald(I still might) but a-new-machine's post raised an interesting question.

One that I'd like to approach from a slightly different direction.

Why is Gun Control a "Liberal" issue?

I have my own theory but first some background...

My name is Greg and I'm an Engineering student.

*Hi Greg*

This has colored my thinking considerably, most notably a distinct distrust(even hatred) of anything perceived as "Arbitrary". In Engineering everything has a reason.

As a result I try to base my moral/political positions on a consistent precept(or "Proof"). All political positions are evaluated based on how well they subscribe to the idea that "all people have an intrinsic right to be secure in their person, and property". My personal reasoning behind this is similar to the muslim proverb regarding "theft as the original sin".

There is one sin, one sin only, that of theft.
All sins are a variation of theft.
When you kill a man, you steal his life.
When you lie, you steal the truth.

Any politician or movement that would seek to deny you(or anyone else) that basic security should not be trusted.

A right that goes un-defended or un-exercised is a Right that has been lost. Now if all people have a right "to be secure in their person" does it not follow that I can take action to defend my life (or yours?). Likewise if there is a "right to property" who are you to tell me that I can not own a gun, knife, car, or swimming pool?

Which brings us back to the original question. If american Liberals are(as they claim to be) the champions of "individual rights" why would they advocate gun control?

My theory is that because "the american Liberal" places a great deal of value on empathy, The gun control lobby's standard refrain of "Won't someone think of the children!" carries a lot more weight than it really should.

But what do yo guys think?

I am particularly curious about how those outside the US view our odd cultural fascination with "Things that go BANG"

Personally I'm going to celebrate a victory for Individual rights.

Edited: added LJ-cut/text

gun laws

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