Communist Propaganda At Immigration Protest

May 19, 2010 12:36

This is video from a protest against SB 1070 that took place in Atlanta, Georgia on May 1, 2010:

image Click to view

When is Nancy Pelosi going to decry the use of Swastikas at this event? When are Democrats going to speak out against the comparisons to the KKK?

They're not.

This is proof that the attacks against the Tea Party movement (or any group who chooses to speak out against our current government and their actions) are biased. I haven't heard or seen one single report about the propaganda at this protest in comparison to Tea Party protests, aside from this video. I don't agree with people on either side making comparisons between our current government (or any other) and the Nazi's because it's simply stupid. Obama isn't killing millions of people in the name of ethnic or racial cleansing.

The fact that people against the Arizona immigration law are calling for violence and bloodshed should be publicly condemned. So when is it going to start?

propaganda, bias, tea party

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