I think there are some new folks around and that's great! Everyone here seems to think they are so smart and an expert on something in this community. So, tell us about your political education. Did you take courses, read books? How did you gain the knowledge you use in our discussions?
1. How did you get interested in politics?
2. How do you learn about politics, history, economics, sociology etc.?
3. What political subjects do you feel you know more about than most people here?
4. What political subjects do you wish you knew more about?
5. What political subjects do you find boring?
Also, what about your political personality? I have made a quiz that will place you in one of 8 "political personality" types. Check it out. And let me know what type it gives you.
Futurebird's Political Personality Quiz I wanted to make a quiz that would give you a type based on how you relate to political ideas-- It doesn't tell you party affiliation or anything like that. Also, it is short. I'm going to try to improve it, so let me know what "type" you get so I can see if they match up the way they should!