"...And It'll Be All NANCY PELOSI'S Fault!"

Sep 18, 2009 10:16

I think we all have to take responsibility for our actions and our words. We are a free country, and this balance between freedom and safety is one that we have to carefully balance. I have concerns about some of the language that is being used because I saw -- I saw this myself in the late ‘70s in San Francisco, This kind of rhetoric is very frightening… I wish that we would all, again, curb our enthusiasm… Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, 9/17/09

Reaction on Fox & Friends today:
Middle Aged Bald Guy:…but my real concern is, when you raise it in this fashion, you hearken to terrible tragedies involving political assassination….

Brian Kilmeade: Giving people ideas!

Middle Aged Bald Guy:…and it’s a horrible thing to do. Clearly she was emotionally overcome. But was it the right thing to do?

Claiming that the president is a usurping foreign agent out to deliberately destroy the country, bringing loaded guns to presidential speeches while carrying signs about the tree of liberty being watered by the blood of tyrants, (or carrying signs that say things like “I’ve Come Unarmed - This Time” ) and invoking secession from the bully pulpit of your position as a state governor…

None of these things are going to give people “ideas.”

But objecting to them does.

See, none of those people buying up guns and ammo and packing heat in public were likely to get the idea of using that ammo against those they define as traitors and commies and Nazis and terrorists

...until Nancy Pelosi reminded them of what happened to Milk and Moscone.

nancy pelosi

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