And they get worked up about Obama wiretapping Trump, duh...

Mar 08, 2017 11:09

WikiLeaks says it releases files on CIA cyber spying tools

"Anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks on Tuesday published what it said were thousands of pages of internal CIA discussions about hacking techniques used over several years, renewing concerns about the security of consumer electronics and embarrassing yet another U.S. intelligence agency.

The discussion transcripts showed that CIA hackers could get into Apple Inc iPhones, Google Inc Android devices and other gadgets in order to capture text and voice messages before they were encrypted with sophisticated software."

Friendly note to all of my fellow e-communications users:

ANY device with a camera or microphone can be used to record/transmit images or sounds. This is especially true with surveillance devices and with “open mic” devices that perpetually have their microphones active to receive commands, such as information providers like Apple’s “Siri”, Android’s “Okay Google”, Amazon’s “Alexa”, your SmartTV, etc.

If you elect to use these “convenience” services, then you have effectively forfeited your privacy, and anything you say within the listening area of these devices is no longer confidential. Should you inadvertently say your social security number, banking information, passwords, address, telephone numbers, etc. in casual conversation, chances are that it has been transmitted and recorded without your knowledge. If you imagine that current laws protect your privacy rights - well, good luck with that.

We are in a Brave New World of “networking”, “social media” and “information sharing”. The benefits are truly enormous in terms of connectivity and knowledge access, but they come at a price - the question we all need to ask ourselves is: is that price too steep?

surveillance, conspiracy, technology

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