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htpcl December 3 2016, 07:01:41 UTC
I agree there should be control on immigration, i.e. we should know who's entering and how, but there are a few logical inconsistencies that I noticed:

- If immigrants built your country, then there wasn't a country and American culture and society before they started to build it. So how could they have integrated into a culture that didn't exist yet at the time they arrived?

- Correct me if I'm wrong, but illegal immigrants in the US have by far been from Mexico and Latin America in general. Would you care to specify how exactly those are destroying America? I mean, from what I've seen, they've been pretty good at integrating into US society. Just look at this:

Those are Latinos, right? Getting fat at McDonalds. If that's not the most American thing ever, I don't know what is.

I'd be glad if I could get a slightly more specific answer than the usual platitudes that we've gotten accustomed to hearing from the ultra-patriotic Real h'America. Oh, and welcome to the community!


mutive December 3 2016, 15:50:20 UTC
I found this over at: http://immigration.procon.org/view.resource.php?resourceID=000845 (not sure how accurate, but guessing it's decent) for the year 2012 of immigrants by country of origin.

1. Mexico 6,720,000
2. El Salvador 690,000
3. Guatemala 560,000
4. Honduras 360,000
5. Philippines 310,000
6. India 260,000
7. Korea 230,000
8. China 210,000
9. Ecuador 170,000
10. Vietnam 160,000

Most are, indeed, from Latin America, but the Philippines, India, Korea, China and Vietnam (aka Asian and SE Asian) countries also rank.


htpcl December 3 2016, 16:36:03 UTC
And how are they destroying h'America, again? Are they even failing to integrate? This narrative simply does not compute.


mutive December 5 2016, 17:00:44 UTC
Didn't say they were, just citing statistics.


ddstory December 4 2016, 10:14:49 UTC
Junk food is destroying America much more than migrants from brown countries.


debunkgpolitics December 11 2016, 00:55:45 UTC
Thank you for welcoming me to the community. I am glad to be a member of Talk_Politics.

1. Tashfeen Malik, who grew up in Saudi Arabia, helped her husband Syed Rizwan Farook, killed 14 people and wound 22 other victims in the San Bernardino shootings.

2. Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez, an illegal immigrant from Mexico, shot and killed Kate Steinle.

3. Abdul Razak Ali Artan hurt 11 people at Ohio State University after driving his car into a crowd.

For 1-3, killing Americans destroys American society. America must have law and order to remain a civilization. Unfortunately, law and order cannot exist if illegal immigrants are not punished for the crimes they committed after seeking refuge in “sanctuary cities.” There are more than enough U.S.-born citizens who commit crimes. More criminals are not needed.

4. Immigrants who entered California illegally can benefit from Medi-Cal, though they did not contribute to the system and have no right being in this country. If expenses outweigh income, then a deficit is created. When a deficit exists, budget cuts ensue, and the public welfare suffers.

5. Money from taxes is used to deliver and educate “anchor babies” of illegal immigrants. They and their parents can enjoy free public education and hospital care, which places additional financial burdens on institutions that request funding every election year. As a result, less money exists for students and patients who belong in this country. Important components of having a healthy, educated American population are destroyed. Of course, these institutions have other financial problems for which remedies are overdue, but illegal immigration makes matters worse.


htpcl December 11 2016, 07:59:08 UTC
What do your anecdotal examples have to do with the questions that I asked? You do know why anecdata is flawed, right?

> America must have law and order to remain a civilization

Good thing that it already does.

And what does the economic "freeloading" on welfare have to do with the cultural destruction of a civilization? Are you sure you even know what the terms that you're using actually mean?


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