Here's something that doesn't get the attention it deserves.

Oct 10, 2016 15:22

House Speaker Paul Ruan has held a press conference to explain how he could cram a generation’s worth of legislation into a budget reconciliation bill that cannot be filibustered:

"Ryan peeled back the curtain on his strategy at a news conference after a reporter suggested he would struggle to implement his ambitious agenda next year. After all, it was noted, Republicans are certain to lack the 60 votes needed in the Senate to break Democratic filibusters on legislation. So Ryan gave a minitutorial on congressional rules and the bazooka in his pocket for the assembled reporters."

"“This is our plan for 2017,” Ryan said, waving a copy of his “Better Way” policy agenda. “Much of this you can do through budget reconciliation.” He explained that key pieces are “fiscal in nature,” meaning they can be moved quickly through a budget maneuver that requires a simple majority in the Senate and House. “This is our game plan for 2017,” Ryan said again to the seemingly unconvinced press."

Not sure why the press seems so unconvinced. Republican control of all three branches of government would likely be the end of any sort of functioning democracy (as would, by the way, the creeping corporate takeover of the American political process that we're likely to keep witnessing in the next presidential term). I'm not surprised that Ryan is drooling on his silk tie over the prospect of getting a filibuster-proof hold on the legislative branch where he could essentially cram a handful of Reagan-style ultra-right-wing policies into a single package, and shove it down America's throat with the ease that Trump gets hot women to let him touch their genitals.

Worse thing is though, a Trump administration would be the most corrupt at least in over a century. I'm sure his largess would extend beyond his own family and businesses to include his business associates and toadies. He's also considerably more likely to incinerate everyone because of a perceived slight or insult from China or Russia (actually you can scratch that last one off).

Like I said in the neighboring post, the current situation is a huge lose-lose. Either way, America is in a bad position. A rich moron is being crucified for verbally objectifying women - and in the meantime, Kim Kardashian who got her start from sucking dick in a crappy home porn vid is getting glorified in the media like the Queen for all teenage girls to worship and emulate... This society is so fucking hypocritical... If women really did care about how they are betrayed, the Kardashians wouldn't be the biggest celebrities in the USA. Meanwhile, the hypocrisy of a corporate shill who pretends to be the "voice of the middle class" and is preparing to rule over that middle class in the next 4 to 8 years, is getting swept somewhere under the rug.

Even worse, though, Trump would do nothing but hurt the working and middle class in order to help himself and other wealthy people who care about their fellow Americans even less than he does (a shock, that, I know).

So you've got a choice between: A) a psychopathic lying stupid punk dog pig national disgrace of a moronic tax-evading, Vietnam-dodging, pussy-groping, dictator-admiring, rogue schizo megalomaniac on the one hand -and- B) a hypocritical secretive corrupt vengeful low-energy sociopathic calculating warmongering sold-off corporate tool on the other. Now go ahead, swallow your vomit back into your throat and rush to the polls!

trump, gop, elections, legislation, clinton

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