Hillary Clinton, Defended Baby Bunnies -- She's a Sociopath!

Oct 07, 2016 11:34

Apparently, along with making taco trucks conveniently available to all of us, Hillary Clinton is the insensate monster who, as a child, defended baby bunnies. Here is, I kid you not, a quote from a Brietbart post in which readers are supposed to be outraged by this:

"Hillary’s combative behavior is nothing new; she’s been that way all her life. For my 2005 book The Truth About Hillary, I interviewed Hillary’s grammar school classmate, Jim Yrigoyen, who told me the story of being ordered by Hillary to guard a warren of baby rabbits, and not give any of them away to neighborhood boys. When he did, recalled Yrigoyen, 'Hillary hauled off and punched me in the nose.'"

For obvious reasons, I have not linked directly to Breitbart, but by all means, do so if you doubt this (the link can be found in the article). Especially funny are the comments from Breitbart readers denouncing her as a sociopath. Yes, it's well known, sociopaths typically have a childhood history of being tender towards animals.

I, for one, am going on the record here as being against breaking a promise to a more humane schoolmate and passing out infant rabbits to one's playfellows. (It is possible, of course, that one or two of these bunnies ended up as long-lived and cherished pets, but knowing what I do about little boys, I'd say the odds are against it.) I am only provisionally opposed to a little girl busting the nose of a little boy who does this. I might, while staunching the blood and telling the kid to keep his head back while I applied ice, deliver a serious lecture to her about right ways and wrong ways to deal with anger, but I have to confess that secretly, I'd be on her side. And I'm genuinely bemused by the tone-deafness of people who imagine this anecdote reflects badly on Hillary Clinton.

Best comment on this so far is on twitter: "I wasn't 'emotionally invested' in Hillary until I found out she cold-cocked a dude for f*cking with baby rabbits."


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