Cede Our Seeds?

Sep 25, 2016 21:01

Hey, my beloved procrastinators! It's been a while since we had our last installment of ridiculously over-simplified and unbearably polarized hypothetical situations, inspired by the NationStates online game - you know, that place where you're the benevolent ruler of your own fictional state, which you're completely free to shape as you please, based on the stupid choices you make in situations like the below presented. Last time when we delved into the depths of True Democracy(tm), we ended up in a tie between Ms Lovegood, the Education Minister of Insert Country Name, who argued that mandatory parenting classes for the populace were the solution - and Chloe, your incredibly mature teenage niece who just wanted some assistance from babysitters programs. Well, now the issue we're about to discuss is a bit different - it's related to technology and trade.

The Issue

Biotech firm McShanto LLC has developed a new genetically engineered corn, with 200% more “butter” flavor and a guarantee to be free of those stringy bits that get stuck in your teeth. They've also engineered every mature kernel to be sterile, while marketing a special starter seed at premium prices. Angry supporters of small farms are demanding you lend an ear.

The Debate

1. "These Frankenfood monstrosities are nothing more than a means for McShanto to drive its competition out of business", complains Maize Zea, founder of Stop Engineering Edibles Darnit! "Engineered sterilization prevents small family and subsistence farmers from saving and reusing seed. This means they have to buy all new and expensive seed for every single crop... and only from McShanto! Do the right thing by abolishing genetically modified organisms and engineered sterilization! Don't let the big biotech firms grind Insert Country Name into cornmeal!"

2. "Engineered sterilization provides us with the ability to ensure that genetically modified organisms stay targeted to farms and orchards, allowing our precious natural spaces and native species remain unblemished. This way, future generations can prosper from better foods and a greener world", recites Stover Cob, CEO of McShanto LLC, reading from a prepared statement, and setting a gourmet popcorn gift basket on your desk. "Besides, without the ability to draw new agricultural business, McShanto wouldn't be able to recover the millions of bucks it spends on research and development. That means less buttery goodness on the table! Show you have some grits - support agriculture and support McShanto!"

3. While fiddling with a toothpick, Dr. Flint Shoe Peg chimes in: "No doubt everyone benefits from the improvements companies like McShanto make to our crops. Those stringy bits really are - OW! - um, really are very annoying. But driving Mom 'n Pop out of business wouldn't be right either. Why don't you discourage engineered sterilization, but support my research in chemical-based genetic rights management?" He retrieves some dental floss from a pocket before continuing: "This way, small farmers can still save seed, but McShanto can require the purchase of an activator spray that will turn their value-added features on. Sure, there's a small risk from runoff, but - OW!"

The legislature of Insert Country Name is preparing to adopt a decision.

Poll Cede Our Seeds?

poll, environment, food, technology, hypothesis

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