^The patron saint of US asshole regimes adored and given money out the ass to run their little neomedieval autocratic fantasylands is now not only further involved in the forgotten war the USA is fighting in Lebanon, but employing white phosphorus. This is, to put it perfectly frankly, a war crime and yet further proof of why nobody with a brain cell to rub together in the region trusts the United States or anyone associated with it.
For the last few years the Nobel Peace Prize winner at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue has been waging a long-term undeclared war in Yemen, which if anyone had bothered to consult what happened when Nasser tried that shit they would have realized like Afghanistan Yemen is a resource hog that eats armies alive and asks for more whenever the maw of death is insufficiently glutted. The same people who thronged in hundreds of thousands to protest George Bush are conspicuous in their silence here as well, because nobody gives a flying fuck in the USA's so-called antiwar movement about open-ended bloodbaths when it's not a Republican in office. Overseas, perhaps, but then overseas lives with and sees what the USA does, here we pretend it doesn't happen like we live in a vacuum.
What's more, my country is supplying these neomedieval pieces of shit with the very materials used to commit the war crimes in question. With friends like this, the USA really doesn't need to bother invading countries to make enemies, this kind of foreign policy genius is gonna take care of that even if occupation armies were entirely removed.