Milosevic exonerated

Aug 06, 2016 09:47

Turns out, the war crime blame game is not so cut and dry, eh? The villain has turned out to be not-so-villainous, after all...

...And nobody cared. Still looking around the news-feeds and news aggregates, nobody is reporting on this essential news. Nobody anywhere near the top pages anyway. And the second-from-top pages. And third. It could be buried somewhere under heaps of useless stuff, granted, but it ain't where it ought to be. But that's not the point.

Why is this news "essential" - that's the point. Well, because it displays yet another example of the modern recipe of how to conquer a country. Create fake instability, mark a villain, send in "peace-keeping troops", and boom - you got yourself a country. Then build military bases while keeping control of leadership by placing a well-trained US-educated puppet in power. Then, after everyone has forgotten all about the evil dictator (preferably conveniently murdered in an "extrajudicial" assassination), you can safely apologize for having picked the wrong villain and being on the wrong side of history. Oops! Sorry. Did we do that again? But not to worry! You get to keep the military bases anyway, and the country will stay under your control. Can't let a good banana republic go to waste. Brilliant! World domination in a few simple steps, copy and repeat.

We all know the drill. We've actually talked about this before, haven't we?

But of course we don't care at this point. The war has gone a long time ago, the guy has been rotting in the ground already. It's no longer considered "news". It was news at the time - though the majority of the valiant Western media, apparently having learned well from Goebbels, were rather busy spewing as much misinformation as they were required, and spew them constantly they did when necessary. The public was totally sold. Just like it was sold about those non-existent WMDs in Iraq, which convinced it that Saddam was the villain and Iraq should be urgently conquered, lest he destroy the entire region. Now we all regret that move, of course; hey, some of those lying leaders even appear to have genuine regrets about having told lies that have cost thousands of lives and caused the actual turning of that entire region into a snake-pit (talk about self-fulfilling prophecy). But that, too, is after the fact. It's not news, either.

Until we pick the next villain. Lather, rinse, repeat.

And then we wonder why some people hate us and want us dead.

war, geopolitics, justice, balkans

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