Kudos for the expert level political trollery

Jul 05, 2016 00:02

Another rat deserts the sinking ship:

Nigel Farage resigns: Anger at 'coward' Ukip leader after post-Brexit resignation
Departure compounds fury at Boris Johnson’s decision to not stand in the Tory leadership contest.

"After me, the deluge", Nero famously said. Behold Nigel Farage now, his worthy descendant:

He looks so innocent, eh? Almost makes your blood boil really. Apparently, before leaving, stating "he wanted his life back", this expert of a political troll ruined the lives of millions of British citizens. And just like his buddy Boris Johnson, he left the ship before it started sinking. If this isn't a testimony to what tremendous dangers populism can bring, I don't know what is. "I'm buggering off. You deal with the mess I created. So long, suckers".

This situation is starting to get beyond ridiculous already. The foremost champions of the Brexit, after successfully causing maximum damage in an otherwise non-binding referendum, are now all rushing to swim away from the ship they had attempted to scuttle. Perhaps they weren't counting on actually winning? Perhaps they did it all just for the sake of earning political points?

Okay, scumbag. You're out, we get it. So who's gonna clean up the mess now?

eu, uk

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