Have a good look at America's new wannabe-buddies

Jun 02, 2016 15:25

It seems Trump admires the Saudi royal family and the UAE sheikhs; he believes Mubarak should never have been deposed in Egypt; and says he would sit with Vladimir Putin, like man with man, look him in the eye, and solve all the problems of international relations - because those two would "get along" pretty well.

And all these good guys seem to be reciprocating his cordiality now. Putin likes Trump. And now Kim Jong Un apparently likes Trump, too. Because only Trump can liberate Americans living under daily fear of nuclear attack by North Korea, dontchaknow.

Gotta love the way a brief look at the ones who are rooting for the guy who's promising to Make America Great Again, reveals who'd benefit the most of a Trump presidency. Somehow it just so happens that those are America's current foes. Curious that, eh?

trump, international relations

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