The Donald's great foreign policy plan

Mar 23, 2016 20:34

Exhibit 1. It's time to start taking Donald Trump's scary foreign policy views seriously

"But while Trump may lack an ideology, he definitely has policy views on key issues such as Russia, China, and ISIS. Some are nationalist, some economic nationalist, some more dovish, and some defy categorization. Many of these ideas track with what he's said about foreign policy for years. Put together, they're an eclectic plan to take US policy and put it on a totally new course - often in some fairly radical, and fairly scary, ways."

Exhibit 2. Donald Trump's Foreign Policy Plan Would Give Putin Exactly What He Wants

You're getting my drift, I suppose. Trump = dangerous. Re: Europe, while he's somehow making Mexico pay for that beautiful big wall (which, as it turns out, would neither be beautiful, nor would it be cheap, nor is it going to be paid for by the Mexicans, but anyway, don't let fact and reason get in the way of a nice demagogic narrative), Trump apparently plans to exit NATO and disengage from Europe. Or something. Because this worked oh-so-well before WW1, didn't it? Oh wait...

Re: his hypothetical eye-to-eye interaction with tovarysch Putin that he doesn't stop blabbering about, the KGB man is definitely going to dominate The Donald in any face-to-face dealings they may have. A shadowy KGB career plus a reputation as a back-dealing bully in a very rigorous political system... vs a TV celeb self-proclaimed "success guru" (who really isn't that). You may've guessed which the safest bet is, and who's going to be empty-handed in those dealings. On the upside though, in the worst-case scenario with a Trump presidency, he might be safest disengaging from Europe and leaving the field to the big-league players. Shall we say good riddance?

Ps. In the meantime, The Donald has already started shaping his foreign-policy team of advisors. And the news ain't pretty. From corrupt cronyists, to guerrilla trainers, to all sorts of losers in the field. Surprised, anyone? Guess not.

trump, international relations, nato, russia, diplomacy

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