55 of 58 rapists in Cologne were not Syrians:

Feb 15, 2016 23:20


I would love to present this without commentary as regards the rush to label as deeds of foreigners what are anything but, but since that's not within the rules here, I'll just note: in every single case of recent Islamist terrorism in Europe, it's not the foreigners or immigrants that cause them but people who've been born and raised in Europe and exposed to what is theoretically a secular multicultural and inclusive society grounded in rule of law. And instead they go the Breivik route.

It seems that something is rotten not only in Denmark but across Europe. The USA has its flaws, yes. Very real ones. But the people here that blow up our citizens tend to be the ones that come in specifically for that purpose and the only home-grown people who blow up people and shoot them on religious grounds are white Christian men. That's the precise inverse pattern of what keeps recurring in France, Germany, the Scandinavian countries, and has been happening in Russia since the Yeltsin days (of course there continuing an old colonial feud has a lot to do with it).

So whither the difference? What makes people three generations running in Europe with long-term experience of society willing to attack their neighbors without warning while in the USA it takes specific immigration for that purpose to initiate things, because the ones here don't really care about that any more than their equally fat and ignorant Christian neighbors? 

europe, terrorism, crime, immigration

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