Good manners and courtesy, or bending over backwards?

Jan 31, 2016 18:32

Rouhani in Europe: Italy covers nudes for Iran president

Italian hospitality for the visiting Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has stretched to covering up nude statues.

Plywood boxes concealed the nude statues at the museum in Rome
We talked about political correctness, as in the attempt to bring courtesy to extremes for the sake of refraining from offending others' sensibilities. Some might argue that this is outright pandering to a potentially lucrative economic partner, others would say it's just basic diplomacy. What say you?

Poll Good manners and courtesy, or bending over backwards?

Personally, I'm rooting for F. Why? Because look at this.

I mean wow. How can he miss this great shot of the perfect male ass!? Just look how well formed it is! Those nice round cheeks, and those hollows in the middle that demonstrate that he's a hard worker. I know, I know - the ancient Greeks saw the display of the human body as a reflection of divine beauty, yada, yada, yada. Heh. Meanwhile, porn is an important part of European history too, because it makes regular people feel dirty about having ordinary bodies, and this reinforces the "original sin" meme that keeps everyone feeling guilty and working hard for approval. So there. Rouhani missed a wonderful opportunity to get acquainted with the ancient version of the modern fashion and fitness magazines that make modern women and men respectively so depressed.


France cancels official dinner with Iran's President Rouhani... because he wants it to be wine-free

Who knew. Turns out there's another way, rather than pander to this nonsense.

poll, italy, iran, political correctness, diplomacy

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