Why am I even reading the comment sections?

Sep 06, 2015 22:06

I should know better. I shouldn't read the comments below news articles...

"The elite has a plan for the Islamization of Europe, and they're implementing it quite successfully".

Bull-fucking-shit. The so called "elite" has no idea what they're doing. This proneness to overestimate the elite's capacities is ridiculous. In fact, the elite is inadequate. It's out of touch.

There's no conspiracy. There can't be a conspiracy, simply because those morons whom we designate as "the elite" are incapable of pulling it out without fucking it up right from the get-go.

That doesn't mean that some other questions are not at least a tad more valid than this. For example, the US has "advised" Europe to deal with the refugee crisis on its own, "because it has the capacity to cope with it". This comes across a bit cold, especially given the fact that in countries like Iceland, the people themselves (as opposed to the government) have rallied behind the cause, and are showing what solidarity truly means. You know, that same solidarity principle that mostly exists on paper somewhere in the EU manifesto.

So, the US has announced they are prepared to indirectly assist the EU with the refugee crisis, but they would not accept refugees on US soil, because "Europe has the capacity to deal with the problem on its own". Meanwhile, in his typical manner, Putin has said what many might be thinking, but probably dare not say: that the West, particularly the US, are responsible for the refugee crisis in Europe, because they have been pursuing a policy of exporting liberal democracy to the Middle East without taking the local peculiarities in consideration. Or something to that effect. He's scoring easy points, isn't he? And yet, that point may warrant some introspection.

And the last question I'm going to put (although I'm not expecting an answer) is, how come the wealthy Gulf states have accepted zero/zip/nada Syrian refugees so far? I mean, look at this:

What the fuck?

conspiracy, europe, middle east, aid, immigration

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