What would work for Hillary?

Jul 18, 2015 23:21

Political elections may've largely become about presenting one's political "product" as cool, hip, modern, and relevant. The last time Hillary was defeated in the primaries, it was because of the messianic racially-diverse card, and of course the hope-and-change meme that Obama's team were quite skillful at using. Without that, Hillary would've probably beaten him back there and then.

Now things are a bit different. The messianic drive seems to have been spent, so something new should be tried. I'm not seeing the "first female president" as an argument that'd be strong enough to mobilize a vote as enthusiastic as the one that Axelrod's campaign machine was able to produce for Obama.

The media (while we're on the monthly topic) would do their job to promote Hillary as much as possible, of course. As for Hollywood, I doubt they'd get as enthusiastically involved as they were about Obama.

In order to ensure another term in the White House, the Democrats would again need to have the youth, black, and Hispanic vote on their side. Sure, union members and government employees would probably vote en masse for their champion, but beyond that, something else is needed to motivate the rest of the base. So I wonder what that game-winning factor could be. Perhaps the "war on women" meme this time? Would that be compelling enough?

I mean, despite that nice episode with the text-messaging meme (shown above), presenting Hillary as hip and cool and modern (and unique) actually doesn't seem like the best target to be aiming at - after all, she's been part of the establishment for far too long, and there's been too much talk about political dynasties like the Clintons.

No, the messianic narrative cannot be used for a second time in a row. Even Obama himself didn't use it when he ran for re-election. So I think it'll mostly all boil down to name recognition and mobilizing those segments of the electorate who'd traditionally vote Democrat anyway.

So... I'd be interested to hear some suggestions about possible ways for Hillary Clinton to market her political "product" in a way that'd be efficient enough to win both the Democratic nomination and then the presidential election. I'm aware she's currently being cited as the Democratic front-runner, but still. She needs to wrap this up, and quick. Otherwise, she might be surprised by how tough that race may turn out to be for her - even if the Republicans predictably happen to field a Mr Just Another White Guy against her eventually.

elections, clinton

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