'Mini ice age' coming in next fifteen years, new model of the Sun's cycle shows "We are now able to predict solar cycles with far greater accuracy than ever before thanks to a new model which shows irregularities in the sun’s 11-year heartbeat. The model shows that solar activity will fall by 60 per cent between 2030 and 2040 causing a "mini ice age". The conditions predicted have not been experienced since the last "mini ice age" which lasted from 1645 to 1715, called the Maunder Minimum."
Interesting. A lot has been written about the turbulent times of the 17th century, and there's been the argument that it was all largely due to climate change. During that time, Europe and North America had some very harsh winters, according to the scientific theory, caused by an abnormal lack of sunspots.
For example, Geoffrey Parker who
wrote extensively on the subject, abrupt weather changes in that period were the main factor behind the massive crop failures that ultimately caused political chaos on a large scale.
That period is now called the Little Ice Age, and it had a huge impact on society - from chances in warfare to governmental structure, to nutritional habits, and of course, economics.
Says Voltaire, as cited by Parker: "Three things exercise a constant influence over the minds of men: climate, government, and religion". We're arguably heading into a period of abrupt and abnormal climate change that could repeat the 17th century in many ways if we're found unprepared, the author argues. The difference this time is that we actually do have the resources to do something about it, while the people of that time did not.
If the scientific
studies are to be heeded, ironically, with global warming, winter is coming. And our society will have to adapt to the new realities, and fast. Starting with finding new power sources, as electricity will become ever more expensive. Because at this point, all indications are that the change is