The Son of a Bitch is dead, long live the son of a bitch!

Jan 23, 2015 20:53

So, the ruling absolute monarch of the major terrorist sponsor in the Arab states (and the United States' closest ally, naturally), is dead.

There was some speculation when the old son of a bitch was alive that the state might enter a succession crisis due to a surplus of third generation princes. Unfortunately the regime seems to be finding a way out of it.

To me, the Saudi state is the worst possible combination of deliberate anachronism and ultra-modern innovation. It's one case where I would gladly watch it burn just to see the whole rotten lot of them swept into the garbage bin of history where they belong. That the United States props up one of the major citadels of the worst kinds of Judaeophobia and hardline Islamist extremism, and that this regime keeps on ticking, is also precisely why 'War on Terror' rhetoric falls apart when examined closely.To oppose terrorism and prop up Saudi Arabia is like trying to sift the ocean with a sieve.

So, in short, I hope the old king's rotting in Hell and I look forward to the next bastard joining him there.

middle east

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