"The President's New Groove"

Nov 21, 2014 17:02

Originally posted by ricomsmith77 at "The President's New Groove"
The fire has been lit.  The bull has been let loose.  The well has been poisoned.  The country has exploded.

Yesterday, President Obama decided to test out all of those Republican talking points by issuing new Executive orders to help fix our broken immigration system.  He defied all the pundants and opposition to his orders by doing something that this country has needed to do for quite some time now.  He has been asking Congress to pass a bill to fix the problem for almost 2 years now, but the House of "so-called" Representatives refuse to put up the Senate bill that was passed with overwhelming bi-partisian support.

Now the Republicans are crying foul and are threatening payback for the President's actions.  Just this morning, the GOP led House decided they were going to sue the White House over delaying the employee mandate in the Affordable Care Act, more commonly known as "Obamacare."  They don't think that he can pick and choose what parts of the law he can enforce.  But the U.S. Constitution gives any President full authority to implement a law any way they choose, so long as they don't change the actual law itself......that would require approval from Congress.

As far as what the President can do, he is able to veto any laws that come from Congress.  If the President approves of the legislation, then he will sign it into law.  If he does not approve, then he must return the bill, unsigned, within ten days back to Congress. The President is constitutionally required to state their objections to the legislation in writing, and the Congress is constitutionally required to consider them, and to reconsider the legislation.  This action, in effect, is a veto.

If the Congress overrides the veto by a two-thirds majority in the House and Senate, it becomes law without the President's signature. Otherwise, the bill fails to become law unless it is presented to the President again and then he chooses to sign it.

The next two years will be President Obama's most challenging.  He will have to deal with people who have been hell-bent on making him a failure and to undermine anything he wants to do to help the country.  He will be vetoing bills left, right and center, and he will be issuing Executive orders more than any point in his time in office.

But as we've seen lately, Mr. Obama has got his groove on......

......he's just needs U.S. to have his back!

obama's uphill battle, constitution, immigration

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