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fizzyland July 7 2014, 23:56:31 UTC
I'm surprised there are still communist parties anywhere.


tcpip July 8 2014, 00:21:36 UTC
It's not that surprising, especially in the European context. Even if you opposed everything they stood for you could be absolutely certain that the commies would give the fascists a swipe. Plus, there was significant influence of more developed and democratic communist parties especially in western Europe, in the form of Eurocommunism and the Frankfurt School.

In Eastern Europe many of the communist parties took up national identity politics as well, as well as a nostalgic sense (which ended up, in extreme cases, with National Bolshevism). In other cases they've gone almost down a libertarian socialist path; the old PDS (now Die Linke) in Germany was originally headed by a former human rights lawyer in the DDR.


mahnmut July 8 2014, 06:25:24 UTC
That's because the communist movement is diverse nearly beyond comprehension. The French communist party for example has almost nothing in common with, say, the former Soviet communist party, both in terms of goals, principles, and most notably, methods.


the_rukh July 8 2014, 09:13:35 UTC
Why? Being utterly wrong about everything hasn't stopped libertarians.


fizzyland July 8 2014, 10:13:07 UTC
True, but not like they have a party. Or are in charge of anything, anywhere. It's just a way to declare they aren't part of the establishment. While still mooching off the establishment's resources. Just like the Tea Party.


ddstory July 8 2014, 10:24:07 UTC
Oh, it's all one endless party.


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