Hey, folks! How's summer going? Feeling the heat yet? Biting your nails for team USA tonight? Aaanyway, here's what you guys
chose to be the monthly topic for July:
Poverty & Wealth, Charity & Welfare
Could turn out to be a heavy subject indeed...
Some details on the topic
- Poverty threshold and relative poverty.
- The Protestant work ethic.
- Causes of poverty and the cycle of poverty.
- Economic and social indexes for analysing poverty.
- The welfare state and the nanny state.
- Extreme poverty: malnutrition, illiteracy, disease, mortality.
- Political and social marginalisation of the poor; financial exclusion.
- Social injustice and the income gap.
- Poverty and gender relationships.
- Diseases of poverty; disability and poverty.
- Poverty and education; impact of health on intelligence.
- Housing problems of poverty: slums, street children, orphanages.
- Poverty and slavery, human trafficking, poverty-related violence.
- Aid and development aid.
- Developing countries' debt, debt relief and conditionality.
- Reverse brain drain and human capital flight.
- Economic freedoms and social mobility.
- Microfinance and microcredit.
- Effects of climate change on poverty.
- Voluntary poverty: simple living and asceticism.
- Welfare systems and social programs around the world.
- Major aspects of current social assistance programs.
- Criticisms of welfare: conservative and liberal criticisms.
- Benefit fraud and welfare fraud.
- Altruism and charity, alms and philanthropy.
- Capitalism, poverty and welfare.
And here's the poll for August:
Poll Monthly topic (You're free to suggest more topics).