Women on the Move: Charlene was unable to get Obamacare because she made too little to get the subsidies to purchase health insurance. She had no dental insurance. Her teeth hurt her at night and had so many cavities but could not find anyway to get the decay in her teeth fixed. She was denied medicaid and when she went to get obamcare she was told she could not get subsidies.
So she went to the emergency room 2012 she had heart issues and was told to get on medicine and be monitored. No health insurance to do so. 2012 Obama won and we all were so sure… NOW Charlene would have health insurance. But the republican party of Florida and Rick Scott turned down medicaid expansion. In December Charlene went to the emergency room with abcesses in her legs. Her teeth hurt her constantly. Charlene never complained. She took her two older kids to school each day and reported for work at her various jobs. Recently she began selling vaccuum cleaners in addition to the babysitting and house cleaning. She took anti biotics. She got her healthcare at Florida hospitals emergency room
On March 21, 2014, a Florida woman with chronic heart problems died on the floor of a stranger's house. She was trying to sell a vacuum cleaner -- one of the ways she struggled to support herself and her three kids, along with house-cleaning and baby-sitting. Charlene Dill was 32 years old. She died of a chronic heart condition that, with medication and monitoring, needn't have killed her.
Oh, sure, she had the emergency room, that option so frequently cited by Republicans when they insist that here in the good ol' USA "everyone gets medical care." But the emergency room couldn't provide what was required to keep her healthy. And Governor Rick Scott decided to score political points and refuse the expansion of Medicaid.
So she went without. So she died.
That's what the political gamesmanship played by the Republicans means. That's what happens when you stand in between a sick woman and her access to medical care.
The people responsible know this. Governor Rick Scott and the people around him are not stupid. They're something else. Maybe they genuinely believe that people like Charlene Dill are inherently inferior and deserve to die. The poor,
we keep getting told by right wing pundits, are "jealous," "lazy," "irresponsible." Hey, why'd she have three kids anyway?" ask many of the same people who are doing their best to eliminate safe and affordable contraception and access to abortion.
I mean, c'mon, if we provide access to affordable healthcare for poor single mothers, what kind of message does it send?
Better to let her die.
Then we can work out what to do about her children.