The fact that "we are the 99%" was a rally cry is an interesting thing to examine. Not only does it, in itself, exclude some people from their efforts, but it's also wrong [in one sense, and right in a different sense]. ( Read more... )
There were also, in the crowds at Zuccotti, now and again, people raised with a silver spoon who recognized how unfair the advantages they got were.
I don't know how much money Zizek makes, but he sure turns out a lot of books....
Michael Moore, for whatever he's worth, showed up now and again.
Depending on how you look at the top 1%, you don't even need to be a millionaire. One stat I recall hearing was that at around 600,000/year you were in the top 1%. So maybe folks like Immortal Technique might make that much--Noam Chomsky supported us verbally (though I don't recall him attending any encampments)
There were other here-and-there rich-folk who like OWS and supported it. But they were rare, it's true.
There's a recent biography of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Traitor to His Class, that deals with this subject. He was, after all, a man born into a very wealthy family. The author seems to believe Roosevelt's experience with polio -- an almost freakish bolt from the blue which altered his life permanently and was due to nothing he had done "wrong" -- influenced his attitude towards people hit hard by the Depression.
And if there wasn't (switch immediately from dewey-eyed naivete to the keen-eyed realist boldly squaring his/her jaw in the face of others' misfortune) well, hey, its a sad reality of life that paralyzed people who can't afford to pay for assistance, will just eventually go hungry and die.
There were also, in the crowds at Zuccotti, now and again, people raised with a silver spoon who recognized how unfair the advantages they got were.
I don't know how much money Zizek makes, but he sure turns out a lot of books....
Michael Moore, for whatever he's worth, showed up now and again.
Depending on how you look at the top 1%, you don't even need to be a millionaire. One stat I recall hearing was that at around 600,000/year you were in the top 1%. So maybe folks like Immortal Technique might make that much--Noam Chomsky supported us verbally (though I don't recall him attending any encampments)
There were other here-and-there rich-folk who like OWS and supported it. But they were rare, it's true.
Triage dontchaknow.
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