"Mr Speaker, Democracy has now been suspended."

Oct 14, 2013 12:30

A new twist in the mutual bony fingerpointing between the House Republicans and Democrats is starting to creep across the internet (so look for MSM to pick up the story in a few days when they get around to it). The Right points at Obama and to a lesser extent Senate Democrats for 'failing to compromise' which is doublespeak for bending over and giving up your all). All the while milking the media by condemning the very mess they created. It's the American Way!

The Left and the world point at the GOP and scream "blackmailer!" or some such angsty phrases.

Meanwhile those who hold the debt are telling both parties to get their collective shits together before some real China gets broken in this ruckus.
So who is to blame, bottom line? Who is REALLY holding who hostage? We have a looming deadline on a debt ceiling extension. This is some serious damaging stuff if we don't get back to work here, folks!  and lo and behold - the Tea party Coalition has somehow managed to create a swift power play that assures ONLY THEY can make the call when a clean Senate CR can be brought to the house for a vote.

Now that the smoke has cleared the clear perpetrator of this deadlock is the GOP.

See, there is this long standing rule that got kinda changed with the last bullshite bill sent to the Senate to fruitlessly defund obamaAHCAcare. Before, any member of the house had the privilege of calling any bill up for a vote. Not anymore.

image Click to view

Below is the old rule. House Rule XXIII covers House and Senate Relations, unchanged since Jefferson wrote the rules of the House back in the day.

That's the problem with this country: too much damn privilege!

The new rule, as the video reports, is a reluctant admission from the Speaker (Parliamentary, as opposed to Titled) admitted that now, on such bills of disagreement like a CR to keep the country and globe from defaulting can only be brought to a vote by the "House Majority Leader or His Designate."

The rule change means that ONLY the MAJORITY LEADER is allowed to bring any Senate's clear CR (Continuing Resolution to 'restart the government') to a House vote. Even if more than 50% would vote to pass it, Cantor can still prevent it by refusing to allow the vote to be brought to the floor for a vote. This was never the case until two weeks ago. More than 50% can vote to oust Cantor, but risk re-election criticism of 'siding with the Democrats on Obamacare".
Fuck saving the government, you have a job to hold on to! And there is some anecdotal evidence this shutdown was the plan all along. Anecdotal as in writing, unfortunately for deniers.

So yes, this one man, The MAJORITY LEADER has been given the equivalent of the red button of a complete economic nuclear arsenal. And his name is Eric Cantor and by his voting record some may argue that he values saving a tax dollar over feeding a starving child, and prefers his abortions back alley, thank you sir and you are barely 50 years old!

HEIL...I mean..HI!

So this guy is now, due to some incredible gymnastics by the TPC is now King of the World.

The monied interests have let the reins of power slip from their solid hands and into the hands of brainless demagogues. Let's just hope that Cantor is more of a Hero and less of a Nero. My hope is the former, and not the latter.

Sittin' on the dock of the bay, wasting time...

Or there will be Hell to pay in about a week.


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