Hi once more, all you wannabe benevolent dictators of your imaginary utopian countries! Here's yet another one of our regular hypothetical situations which you, being the awesome ruler of your great fictional nation that you are, as inspired by the
NationStates game, will have to be dealing with.
Last time Ms King, a political activist favoring a policy of ensuring a fair pay for all employees as a means of tackling poverty, won a very narrow victory in the poll over a pundit who was arguing for reaching deeper into the gubmint's pockets in order to find jobs to people in need. You bloody commies!!1 But now, in light of recent conversations about national security, terrorism, and rogue neighbors, and while the EU is considering its options about
extending the arms embargo on Syria, and
arming the Syrian rebels, and adding Hamas to its
list of terrorist organizations, the following debate might turn out to be quite relevant to the day.
The Issue
Reports indicate that several neighboring nations are engaged in major weapons programs in contravention of international law and treaty, focusing public discourse on Insert Country Name's foreign policy - specifically, its position on preemptive strikes.
The Debate
1. "We need to respond to these terrorist scumbags!" roars Gen. Dick McHawkins, turning a slightly alarming shade of purple. "I say we announce any illegal weapons program will be treated as an act of war! The risk of harsh words turning into an endless conflict that mires our troops in far-off lands for years at a time is a small price to pay for national security! If you don't act now, these foreigners will think they can push us around forever! They must be taught a lesson, for the good of the motherland!"
2. Diplomatic bureaucrat Heather Spirit remarks calmly, "There's no need to go off half-cocked. It would be much better if we used an appropriate international body - the World Assembly, say, or a multinational regional tribunal - to investigate these rumors objectively for us. That way we have the international community on our side, and no one can accuse us of playing judge and jury. It will be well worth the extra diplomatic costs and bureaucratic red tape, I assure you."
3. "If these countries don't respect international law, why would they respect international agencies?" wonders political analyst Sean Nagasawa. "Our neighbors are acquiring these weapons for a reason: no one wants to pick a fight with a country that has weapons of mass destruction. The solution is simple: if we have WMDs of our own, they won't dare to strike at us. It may seem mad, but in this crazy world, it's the sanest thing we could do."
4. Noted pacifist and tambourine artist Clint Khan replies, "As usual, our nation's proud leaders can only see violent solutions to our problems abroad. Wouldn't it be refreshing if they focused on achieving peace through communication and accommodation, rather than force of arms? You may call me a dreamer, but I'm not the only one."
The legislature of Insert Country Name is preparing to adopt a decision.
Poll The Empire Strikes First? You've already realized that there's no perfect pick here, and neither can you cop-out through the "none of the above" or "other" option. Cuz I'm evil like that. Mwahhahaha!