There's a reason no one bandies the A-word; those that do get attacked, and hard, branded everything from merely anti-Semetic to outright Hitlerian. Take, for example, this fellow:
His book called it as he saw it. He was immediately excoriated. Seriously, see the movie The Man from Plains. It shows him on his book tour and the full force of the coordinated attack against him.
I mean, take this passage, for instance: "a. The security of Israel must be guaranteed ... b. The internal debate within Israel must be resolved in order to define Israel's permanent legal boundary ... c. The sovereignty of all Middle East nations & sanctity of international borders must be honored ..."
His book called it as he saw it. He was immediately excoriated. Seriously, see the movie The Man from Plains. It shows him on his book tour and the full force of the coordinated attack against him.
I mean, take this passage, for instance: "a. The security of Israel must be guaranteed ...
b. The internal debate within Israel must be resolved in order to define Israel's permanent legal boundary ...
c. The sovereignty of all Middle East nations & sanctity of international borders must be honored ..."
It reads just like something out of Mein Kampf!
It must, since they treated him not unlike Hitler.
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