Obama speaks to all Black, all male college

May 20, 2013 15:23

President Obama spoke at the graduation at Morehouse College http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2013/05/19/president-obama-delivers-commencement-address-morehouse-college

There are 3 all male colleges http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_many_all_male_colleges_are_left_in_the_US. Morehouse is the only non-diverse of the three. (Near as I found out the non-Black student body is 1%)

I heard some of of the speech, it was excellent, and also well reviewed on right wing radio I heard today (surprise).

Now the point: Being the conservative that I am, I have no problem with "Freedom of Association" and I will go as far to say I believe in freedom from forced diversity. I was wondering how some of you feel about:
A) That there are actually 3 all male colleges in this country, and
B) That the President who is all about diversity gave support to an (to all intents and purposes) all black school.

race, obama

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