an Independent's view on the NRA's mouth foaming

May 05, 2013 13:07

Yeah yeah...La Pierre is a shill for the gun industry, etc....

But pro restrictionists interpreting his statement about the protection of gun rights in such a juvenile way by saying 'the government isn't trying to take your guns' in order to fit any argument is absurd... anybody with any sort of understanding of politics and history already knows that rights are slowly taken from citizens over time by very subtle steps

The NRA's argument that each compromise of any rights is another baby step in the ongoing erosion of personal rights is a valid one.

Note to you pro restrictionists:

The reality of this bill was that it did nothing new nor would it have prevented tragedy.[The devil is in the details...]It had an internet sales and gun show background check requirement.However, internet sales already require shipment to a FFL dealer, which must already do a check. And to sell guns at a gun show, you already must have a local license to do business, and a FFL, so buyers must face a strict  background check there as well.Ergo it is already impossible to avoid a background check unless purchasing from an individual face to face.

Do you want to require individuals to conduct extensive background checks on Uncle Willy who wants to buy your shotgun? Like an AK-47, that is a bit of 'overkill'.

Then there was the 'mental background' evaluation. Who gets to define who is incompetent to be denied rights? Your shrink? My therapist? "Ask your doctor?" A government board?

Unfortunately, this bill was completely useless, wasted taxpayer dollars, and (worst of all) was simply a political ploy to work you guys up into a anti GOP frenzy for the mid terms... and you restrictionists are falling for it

Democrats wanted to get a vote on a bill that was sure to fail so they could point the finger at the GOP and demonize them in the upcoming elections

the GOP wanted a bill that was absurd so that they would have political cover to vote against it, and the Dems delivered it intentionally

Folks, this is one of the rare political examples where both parties want the same thing: to fail so they can screw us over and manipulate us in the upcoming elections.

If POTUS wanted legislation, he could unify the background check system nationally and incorporate medical records into the database. This tactic was supported by 90% of gun owners and even the NRA. The result; a much stronger and perhaps more effective process. If POTUS actually wanted an effective system, this would be a no-brainer.

Yet, he didn't take that route. The question begs: "why?"

My opinion: Both parties are screwing us out of effective gun legislation by treating it as yet another wedge to manipulate a few votes. Manipulation of voter's emotions is what keeps us divided and them in business.

Do you agree?

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