Mind-boggling "feedback" from around the webz

Apr 21, 2013 21:53

All right, scared panickers who are now demanding for blood good peace-loving folks who've surely shown their best side in the last few days! Calmed down somewhat from all the shock & drama already, have we? Now that one suspect is down, the other captured, people cheering on the streets and babies finally being able to sleep calm at night, and tons of ink having been spilled within the last few days over the question who-and-why, below is a brief look at the international reaction to the Boston tragedy. And no, I'm not talking about the official reaction from politicians, or the extensive analyses from the media. I'm talking about the common folk who dwell around these very Interwebz. Particularly some of the more mind-boggling views, and particularly in some specific locations - like here in backward East Europe.

Most of the quotes below are taken from various online news media and social networks, mainly from the BG web space, but not only (some are Russian). Many of those made me cringe. Some made me slam my fists on the table till they bled. Others made me wanna puke. One or two made me hit my head against the wall. I'm now seeing ducks floating around me. Etc.

But yeah, those are people like us, too. Not that they necessarily represent the majority. Not that they hold much significance, or exercise any big influence, particularly on policy-making or any such. But they do exist. And they bring my faith in humanity one notch down with every piece of stinky crap they utter. I'd like you to try to tell me, what makes some people say such things? Do they genuinely believe in them, or they just say them for shock effect? And if they do believe in them, then where does all this blinding hatred and staggering ignorance emerge from? Shouldn't the Information Age have tamed people somewhat? Is there even a cure to this sort of douchebaggery? Or should any be sought at all? I guess those are six questions too many. But anyway. I hereby give you... the utterances of this invisible but quite formidable horde, the Online Armchair Warriors(TM) who populate these very latitudes (rough translation mine):

"The world has finally started returning the favor to the fucking USA. Bravo!!!"
(a comment below a news article at Dnes.bg)

"Duh. They should be placing such bombs at all those pride parades, too".
(anonymous comment at a Russian forum)

"Those Yankees are again at it. Staging false-flag attacks on themselves, so they could have justification for the damage they'll later be doing to the whole world".
(from a Blog.bg post entitled "Another 9/11-like Scam")

"Why should I be dropping a tear for a nation that constitutes an error of Evolution? A blood-thirsty mob that every day kills innocent children around the world?! Who are they to be defining the fate of millions of peeps around the world!? An ugly, hateful Jewish state that drains the brains from all the world! And because humans are greedy creatures, the materialistic America currently finds itself at the top!"
(someone who called themselves "DaHumanist", from a Blog.bg post)

"The insolent Americanasses - they were punished yet AGAIN!!!"
(a Russian commenter naming themselves BarackOsama)

"USA, the world's #1 terrorist state, most hated and despised, will always be a target for revenge from the freedom-loving people of the world".
"Tamerlan & Dzhokhar - build them a monument in Grozny!"
(someone calling themselves AK47, from the forum at the Dnevnik.bg news website)

"Death to the Empire of Evil! Down with America!"
"They're financing terrorism. Al Qaeda is their ally in Syria..."
(a comment below a news article at Vesti.bg)

"Alas... only 3 dead... Poorly done..."
(below a DarikNews article)

"Here's one for you, America! From Pyongyang, with love!"
(same article)

"Pfeh! That Jewish stuff again. The price of gold has dropped a lot, 50% since its last surge. The States have decided to tighten the belts. Some rich people are losing big money. This is gonna be the next war to help them print themselves some more money. This time it'll be with Iran. Probably. Maybe".
(from a Russian "Geopolitika" forum)

"It was about time that we received such marvelous news. Well done to those who put the bombs there. Let the bodies hit the floor! Thousands of limbs flying in the air. Let those wanky Yanks learn they shouldn't be meddling into other people's business. I pray for more frequent news like this coming from the US".
(a comment at Blog.bg from earlier today)

"Provided that God knows how many idiots are lining up for a US Green Card right now, a few dead and a couple hundred injured is hardly a big deal for them".
(a lady signing herself as someone who graduated from the University of Cambridge)

So yeah. I'm in an urgent need of a drink right now. A very strong one. And someone to cuddle with...

culture, balkans, internet, terrorism, east europe

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