A problem?

Apr 15, 2013 16:10

I am now of the opinion that the US has a problem of H-Block type proportions with the Guantanamo prisoners hunger strike.



President Obama's continuing defence of this situation is becoming so obviously unjust, even to Americans, that it is rapidly approaching indefensible.

There has to be a better way than incarcerating folk for more than a decade without trial. Due process is more than a phrase…excepting when people suspected of being terrorists are involved, whereon simple suspicion is enough to suspend the normal rights appertaining to individuals.

There is a "Man in the Iron Mask" quality to all of this. What is awful is that Obama, and the Democratic Party as a whole, are party to this whether or not it is politically expedient given what the electorate believe.

Sometimes, with some things, you have to take a stand.

Try them, and if guilty, fry them: but try them first in a court of law and prove your case.

prisons, terrorism

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