fact check or fun?

Oct 04, 2012 02:36

I went through so-called post-debate fact check at nytimes.com.
Obama-press is so funny.
Almost everything Romney said was in the list to check, however almost nothing from Obama's speech was there. Even more, if something said by Obama was wrongit wasn't stated even in first paragraph of explanation [even if checked].
If something was inaccurate on Romney side it was said directly and without necessary explanations. If Romney was accurate, it was usually a page-long explanation why Obama is still better.
[Spoiler (click to open)]
Most offensive to my mind was a "NYT Graphics" about "Obama is on track for doubling exports" which was once claimed by Obama as a target.
Graph not even adjusted for inflation and such graph shouldn't be used for a fact check at all. Even though they used plain extrapolation instead of projected numbers.
Export dropped in 2009 during Obama's presidential and still isn't counted as his fault. But why his faulty projection to "double export" isn't counted as a lie since started from the lowest point under Obama, not from year before he came?
nytimes.com should have started to count from solid 2008 number not from faulty 2009 number.
But even then inflated picture shows that Obama is behind trend, still header says "on track". Simple draw line from any year before 2009 to 2011 number no way you will be "on track", only way to say he is on track is to draw line from 2009 number to 2011 which is ridiculous due to low recovery speed. Moreover imports under Obama is also increased, sums up to trade deficit every year during his term and in nearest future.
If he wanted to have jobs in USA why import risen so much?

Nobody even asked Obama, where is his budget deficit reduction plan when "1 dollar of tax increase accounted for 2.5$ of spending decrease".

Nobody questioned Obama's faulty promise to cut budget deficit by 5.4 trillions during 10 years!!!!
Deficit cuts he mention multiple times is for duration of 10(!) years, how he can promise something that will be 6 after his last term ends?
Is he going to be a president of USA for another 10 years? Do fact check: what constitution says about it?
Let me ask you - what will be debt increase during those 10 years?
And what will be principal and interest payments in 2022 budget?

That's very impressive that Obama isn't even responsible for 2009 budget deficit (BTW he voted for it), but is projecting something till 2022.
But even then why not to mention that any given two years deficit under Obama will be worse than two years deficit under Bush? Total debt increase under Obama and last year of Bush is astonishing! Why not to mention that in fact-check?

Why not to mention that due to Obama's policy deficit risen 3 times from if count 2008 and about 8 times from from 2007?? And he is telling us about deficit reduction?
5.4 trillion over 10 years in deficit reduction won't help him to get even 2008 result by 2022, not even close to balance budget.

Is that so called "fact check" and neutral media??

media, obama, budget

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